779 Stradella Party House – Update

For nearly a year, the neighbors to 779 Stradella were forced to endure late night parties, jammed streets, and drunken party goers on a regular basis.  Fed-up with the harassment, the neighbors filed a lawsuit against Jeff Yohai and his personal assistant.  After continuing the nuisance, the Judge in the case issued a Temporary Restraining Order, which forced numerous limitations and prohibitions. 

This past Thursday, the Judge issued an Injunction against the property owner and his assistant thereby further codifying the restrictions.    

We are hopeful this will serve as both a deterrent for current and future Party Houses, and a roadmap for those living with these types of neighbors.  

Link here for background information on related BAA postings.


BAA wishes everyone a safe and happy Cinco de Mayo!


901 Strada Vecchia Update: Hadid submits plans to LADBS claiming reduced size of structure